Gregersen-Hermans, J. & Lauridsen K.M
Enhancing teaching in the international classroom. University World News, September....
Enhancing teaching in the international classroom. University World News, September....
Culture Matters. EAIE Occasional Paper no 16. European Association for International Education, Amsterdam....
The X-factor, Internationalization with a Small ‘c’. In De Wit, H. & Kemp B. ‘Internationalization in higher education: the implications of the European Higher Education, research and innovation area and GATS for institutional strategies. EAIE / EAIR Amsterdam....
High Potentials: a CEO perspective, Journal of Studies in International Education. SAGE (11: p510-521)...
Positioning and Branding the University for International Recruitment. In Magnan, M, Söderqist, H; Van Liempd, G. & Wittmann, F. (Eds.) Handbook of Internationalization of European Higher Education. Raabe Academic Publishers, Berlin....
How to Design and Assess an Intercultural Learning Experience. In Berardo, K. Deardorff D.K. (Ed). Building Cultural Competence: Innovative Activities and Models. Stylus Publishing LLC, Sterling VA....
The Missing Link in Intercultural Competence Development: the University’s Organizational Capability to Deliver. International Higher Education (IHE).The Boston College for Higher Education, Chestnut Hill, MA, V78, p8-10....
The Impact of Exposure to Diversity in the International University Environment and the Development of Intercultural Competence in Students. In Curaj, A., Matei, L., Pricopie, R., Salmi, J., and Scott, P. (Eds.) The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies, Springer Open...
From Rationale to Reality in Intercultural Competence Development. In Global and Local Internationalization (pp. 91-96). Sense Publishers....
Internationale Skills. In Voor de toekomst: een onderzoeksagenda, Chapter: 6. Internationale Skills, Publisher: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands, Editors: Skills Platform, pp.45-52...